Still Time to Stay Ahead of CGT Changes

New rules surrounding the payment of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on profits made on the sale of a residential property are now just weeks away.

Taking effect on 6 April 2020, the changes will reduce the amount of time individuals have to pay their CGT bill and could significantly increase the CGT due on the disposal of a residential property.

Current legislation will change in regard to Letting Relief, CGT liability and the tax exemption period on principal private residences.

In summary, from April:

  • Residential property disposals will have to be reported and CGT paid on them within 30 days of completing a sale;
  • Letting Relief (up to £40,000) will only be available if the letting took place at a time when the homeowners shared occupancy of a main residence with the tenant;
  • Private Residence Relief, for landlords renting out their former homes,  will apply to the full period a taxpayer lived in the property as their main residence plus the final nine months of ownership – reducing from the current 'final exemption' period of 18 months.